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Packages Used


Class implementation to use APIs with the platform that enables messaging.


Unique platform token generated for the app.

Platform.send_message(uid, message)

Method to send a message explicitly when required.

>>> from services import Platform
>>> platform = Platform("token")
>>> platform.send_message("1234567890", "Random Text")

{"error": {"message": "Invalid OAuth access token.","type": "OAuthException","code": 190,"fbtrace_id": "AGc_9nHR-ZkQ0RVDs4L59Hz"}}
Parameters Returns
uid: the unique sender ID of the user
message: the message to send to the user
requests.Response: response status


Method to get user's data from the platform to get basic information or to know if the user is not actually signed up with the platform (security check).

>>> from services import Platform
>>> platform = Platform("token")
>>> platform.get_user_data("1234567890")

{"error": {"message": "Unsupported get request. Object with ID '1234567890' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at", "type": "GraphMethodException", "code": 100, "error_subcode": 33,}}
Parameters Returns
uid: the unique sender ID of the user dict: information about the user


Maps to unique sender ID through POST request data.

Parameters Returns
data: the POST request dictionary str: the unique sender ID of the user


Confirms user is valid platform-user with their API.

Parameters Returns
data: the JSON with user information bool: if user is valid platform user


Prepares a formatted JSON containing the message as a response to the POST request.

>>> from services import Platform
>>> platform = Platform("token")
>>> platform.reply("Hello, developer.")
Parameters Returns
message: the message(s) to send as response to POST request requests.response: the response status