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Breaks down elements to get essential information with/without the help of an AI.

Parser.delete_data(uid, db)

Generates response for delete data intent.

Parameters Returns
uid: the unique sender ID of the user
db: the database to delete from
str: if deletion was successful or not

Parser.read_timetable(uid, data)

Generates response for read timetable intent. This method features a dictionary to map date-time (since they may vary for different services) and entities parameters to arguments in order to avoid a if-elif-...-else ladder.

    param_keys = {
                    "date_time": ["date_time"],
                    "startDateTime": ["startDateTime", "endDateTime"],
                    "startDate": ["startDate", "endDate"],
                    "startTime": ["startTime", "endTime"],
Parameters Returns
uid: the university ID of the user
data: the POST request dictionary
list: schedule for days according to parameters

Parser.parse(uid, data, db)

The main method to be called for parsing. It finds intents handled by the app, calls the function and returns the response.

>>> parse({"keys-to-intent": "delete data"}, "1234567890", "123456Z")
Deleted! :)
Parameters Returns
request_data: the POST request dictionary
uid: the unique sender ID of the user
db: the database instance
str: the response
None: if response is not handled by app